The Montabedlla Mustangs traveled to Ashley to face the Bears on Tuesday night. The Mustangs shot out of the gate in the first 2 quarters and were able to build a sizable lead on the Bears moving through the 2nd quarter. At halftime the Mustangs would hold control 34- 13. The Mustangs would finish the night with the win, 51-34.
Austin Pawlowski scored 14 points and pulled in 9 rebounds along with 3 steals.
JT Smith scored 17 points and also collected 6 rebounds, along with 3 assists
Eder Lopez scored 8 points to go with his 10 rebounds
RJ Nueman (Mr. Consistency) scored 5 points and 6 rebounds as well.
The Mustangs will finish the regular season at Carson City on Thursday, JV tip is 6pm.
Jared Simon
Montabella Varsity Boys Basketball – Head Coach