Clare’s softball squad ended its season
with a 36-6 record in a 1-0 loss to Ottawa
Lake Whiteford on June 14 at Michigan State
Whiteford got the game’s only run with three
hits in the first inning.
Clare got hits from Morgan Campbell,
Madison Jones and Breez Yarger.
Jones went the distance as pitcher, allowing
one run on six hits in six innings, striking out
five and walking two.
Unity Nelson struck out 11 Clare batters and
walked two.
“We had our opportunities and they had their
opportunities,” Coach Shane Kelley said. “We’ve
been in a lot of games like that this year. We play
a tough schedule. Today was not our day. We
had some small ball stuff we tried to do. We just
couldn’t compete with them. We hit some balls
and they made great catches. We made great
“It was two great pitchers out there dueling,
That’s why we play the competition we play so
we can get ready for these days. We came out on
the wrong end. The girls know what it takes to
be here. I’m super proud of our girls. They never
gave up. Madison believes in our defense. We
came up one game short.”
Clare only graduates two players and everyone
else returns. Getting to the semifinals was
“The girls have been playing extraordinary,”
Kelly said. “They’ve believing in each they’ll.
be helping each other accountable; they’ve
been putting in a lot of hard work. Everything
they’ve worked for all year is finally paying off.
Madison Jones is pitching extraordinary for us.
Our defense has bene phenomenal. We’ve been
advancing runners and doing what we needed to
do all year, playing solid softball. It’s exciting.”