Five Questions

Ithaca Sr. RB Bryan Shaw


Q: With Garrett Miniard and Jared Evers coming before you, winning state titles and everything else they did on the field, do you feel you have to live up to expectations of guys before you?

A: “You definitely are going to see that added pressure, but that’s just what happens when teams are successful. You just don’t want to be that team or that guy that stops the streak. Sometimes you try and block the streak out of your mind, but that can be hard sometimes.”

Q: Talk about what it would be like to end your high school career as a four-time undefeated state champion if you happen to make it that far this season.

A: “It’s something that you want to look at 30 years from now say, “Did we do that.” Never in our wildest dreams did you ever think you would get to this point in your career and realize you haven’t lost a game. It’s pretty amazing.”

Q: People often talk about expectations. What do you want take out of this upcoming season?

A: “We definitely want to get back to what everyone is talking about, and that is back to Ford Field and be in the position to win another state championship. It’s going to take a lot of hard work, but I think we have the team this season to do it.”

Q: How do guys like Travis Smith and Logan Hessbrook raise your level of play?

A: “They push me every day in practice, and they want to win, and that raises the level of play of everyone on the team. They keep pushing me. Travis is a motivator. He pushes everyone, but that is basically how the whole team is.”

Q: Talk about this group as a whole and what it will take to keep the streak going.

A: “As a whole, we lost quite a few guys on the line on both sides of the football, but I think we have enough talent in place that will help offset those losses. It doesn’t matter how big or fast you are, but if you are ready to put in the time and effort to continue to improve. That’s just how our team is made up.”